Jun 3, 2014

dbpre has moved to sourceforge.net, so this blog will be more or less inactive in the future.

You can find new stuff about dbpre at sourceforge, here:


Download the latest release from the "Code" section (Download Snapshot).

Post comments, bugs, ideas and so on in the "Discussion" section there.

Every constructive post, which helps the development of dbpre, is welcome there :)

1 comment:

  1. Are you still active with dbpre? I'm trying to use V3 but not sure if I have a proper version with these http://sourceforge.net/projects/dbpre/files/V0.3/ files. If you are still interested in further development I will give you some feedback. Am trying to use it for a project on the Raspberry Pi with gnuCobol 1.1 & MySQL 5.5.

